Magic Schools of Nave

Magic schools, spells, scrolls, and the quest to complete them all! So far we just have Ecumenical, Elementalism, Spiritism, and Necromancy, I have gone and added some data for those schools based on information in the forumns and streams. I also included the MO1 scrolls for some of the upcomming magic schools, I am sure these will change over time, but it gives you an idea of what will come...

In Game MO2 Magic Schools!
Name Mana Cast Time Reagents Skill Required Range Damage Healing Description Scribing Range Icon
Earthquake 60 4.00 1 - Pyrite
1 - Rock Oil
1 - Small Rough Black Opal
67-100 500 56-66 0 Violently fracture the surface you stand on, greatly harming anything caught within the blast 75-100
Purify 6 1.10 1 - Calamine
6-20 2000 0 0 Removes a Negative effect from target 10-35
Flamestrike 45 3.30 1 - Coal
1 - Nitre
57-79 1310 59-73 0 Engulf whatever the spell is cast upon with a burst of searing hot flame. 70-95
Thunderlash 30 2.70 1 - Cuprum
1 - Rock Oil
47-62 2000 43-57 0 A more powerful lightning calling spell with shorter range 40-65
Fulmination 30 2.60 1 - Ichor
1 - Nitre
37-62 2200 52-70 0 Create an unstable charge of energy inside of what the spell is cast on, which will violently explode after a short delay 60-85
Magic Reflect 25 2.00 1 - Water
1 - Calamine
1 - Rock Oil
37-50 2000 0 0 Reflects back 1 spell to caster 35-60
Great Heal 15 2.10 1 - Water
1 - Calamine
1 - Cuprum
27-40 2000 0 49-59 A powerful healing spell 50-75
Lightning 20 2.10 1 - Cuprum
25-32 2400 15-23 0 A medium range spell calling down lightning upon the target. 15-40
Corrupt 9 2.00 1 - Ichor
17-30 2000 2-2 0 Corrupt your target making it take damage over time and disables healing 5-30
Outburst 13 2.20 1 - Sulfur
1 - Nitre
10-25 4000 21-35 0 A straightforward long range spell that causes the target to catch fire. 20-45
Mindblast 30 2.70 1 - Sulfur
1 - Ichor
1-10 2000 32-38 0 Damage based on Int of the target 30-55
Lesser Heal 4 1.12 1 - Water
1 - Calamine
0-10 2000 0 16-25 A less powerful healing spell that is more mana efficient. 0-25
Spurt 4 1.00 1 - Water
0-10 3000 3-8 0 An ecumenical spell with low water damage. Spurt is a tactical spell generally used to interrupt enemy mages. 0-15
Just started adding MO2 Elementalism in, more to come asap!
Name Mana Cast Time Reagents Skill Required Range Damage Healing Sub-School Type Description Scribing Range Icon
Starfall 90 10.00 1 - Fuming Ophite Pouch
10 - Lodestone Powder
90-100 3000 37-50 Direction Dust (Air + Earth) Create a gravitic field which will attract and violently pull orbiting debreis into the ground
Whirlwind 30 3.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Cuprum
1 - Nimbic Spirits
85-100 0 2-4 Aggregation Air (Air + Air) Send forth a powerful blast of air in front of you, forecfully pushing back anything in its way. Removes "Warmed", "Ignited" and "Drenched"
Gravity Snare 125 4.00 1 - Fuming Ophite Pouch
5 - Lodestone Powder
85-100 0 16-23 Direction Earth (Earth + Earth) Create and propel a dense and unstable orb, which will attract and violently displace anything it passes near. 20
Lightning Bolt 38 3.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Cuprum
80-95 0 19-30 Aggregation Light (Fire + Air) Discharge a major surge of electrical energy, which upon impact will release violent latent charges and attract a lightning bolt to that location. Adds "Shocked"
Ice Barrier 25 5.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
10 - Salt
80-100 250 0 Arrangement (Air + Water) Form a frozen dome of crystaline ice. Adds Chilled
Lava Ball 45 4.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Coal
1 - Volcanic Ash
75-90 0 47-60 Aggregation Heat (Earth + Fire) Launch of glob of melting lava in front of you, impacting blunt force into and burning anything it touches before condensing into a lingering hot pool. Adds "Ignited" and "Warmed"
Tar Pit 80 8.00 1 - Fuming Ophite Pouch
1 - Tar
1 - Nyx
75-90 3000 27-33 Direction Darkness (Water + Earth) Create and direct a large glob of tar outward which will splash into several balls upon impact, leaving a lingering pool behind, coating in oil and blinding anything that it touches. This requires foggy weather 70-90
Firestorm 80 12.00 1 - Fuming Ophite Salts Pouch
5 - Pyropite
1 - Tarl
70-95 500 27-50 Direction Fire (Fire + Fire) Form a chaotic blazing vortex, which will displace and burn anything it passes over. Adds ignited and Warmed. This incantation requires dry and very windy weather.
Stone Wall 40 3.50 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
20 - Granium Pile
5 - Lodestone Powder
70-90 400 20-23 Arrangement (Earth + Earth) Form an impenetrable wall of stone
Firewall 20 3.50 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Nitre
4 - Pitch
70-90 400 23-28 Arrangement (Fire + Fire) Create a blazing wall of searing flames, which will burn anything within it before erupting. Adds ignited and warmed.
Consuming Void 30 5.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
2 - Tar
1 - Nyx
70-80 300 16-20 Arrangement (Water + Earth) Create a strong energy draining field, slowing the movement of and siphoning mana from those around it before collapsing into itself and impacting blunt force into anything nearby.
Dust Burst 15 2.00 1 - Fulminate Pouch
5 - Granum Powder
70-100 0 21-32 Propulsion Dust (Air + Earth) Propel an unstable concentration of dust in front of you, which will explode after a short distance. Low chance to add "Bleeding" and Blind" , removes "Drenched", "Ignited", "Oiled" and "Shocked"
Frigidity 100 10.00 1 - Flowing Nimbic Spirits
1 - Salt
70-100 1000 1-3 Polarization Cold (Air + Water) Decreaes temperature
Incalescence 100 10.00 1 - Flowing Nimbic Spirits
2 - Maalite
70-100 1000 1-3 Polarization Heat (Earth + Fire) Increases heat
Starshower 35 8.00 1 - Burning Fulmination Pouch
5 - Lodestone Powder
70-100 1500 16-25 Emanation (Air + Earth) Create a gravitic field which will attract and violently pull orbiting debris into the ground
Stilling Mist 35 4.00 1 - Fulmination Pouch
10 - Purified Water
1 - Calamine
70-100 1000 3-5 Emanation (Fire + Water) Form and condense a slowly releasing cloud of rejuvinating vapor, gradually healing anything it touches. Remes Ignited , Warmed, Frostbitten, and Chilled
Tarball 35 4.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Tar
60-80 0 19-25 Aggregation Darkness (Water + Earth) Lob a dense sphere of dark tar in front of you, coating anything it comes into contact with and leaving sticky pools of tar underneath it where it impacts. The tar ball will bounce 3 times before dissolving in a final pool. Adds "Oiled" high chance to add "Blind"
Comet 38 3.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Shimmering Solution
1 - Salt Crystal
60-80 0 49-71 Aggregation Cold (Air + Water) Propel a large sphere of ice in front of you, which upon impact will shatter into smaller shards of ice, lacerating and piercing anything caught in the blast. Adds "Frostbitten" and "Chilled"
Fuming Bubble 45 4.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - White Fuming Essence
60-80 0 49-60 Aggregation Vapor (Fire + Water) Create a sizeable bubble of noxious gas and propel it forward, which will burst upon impact into smaller bubbles floating in random directions. Adds "Poisoned" removes "Ignited" , "Frostbitten" and "Chilled"
Roaring Wind 100 10.00 1 - Fuming Ophite Pouch
2 - Nimbic Spirits
60-80 4000 13-28 Direction Air (Air + Air) Form a powerful whirling vortex which will force anything it passes over upwards into the air, creating a spiraling column of harmful debris. Removes Warmed.
Air Pocket 25 5.00 1 - Fulmination Pouch
1 - Nimbit Spirits
60-80 600 0 Emanation (Air + Air) Create a sphere of pure and breathable air, allowing those within to survive in otherise perilous environments. Removes Ignited and Warmed
Static Charge 20 3.50 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Cuprum Ore
55-80 300 22-23 Arrangement (Fire + Air) Create a localized field of frantic electrical charges, violently shocking anything nearby.
Lavaflow 80 5.00 1 - Fuming Ophite Pouch
5 - Pyropite
10 - Volcanic Ash
50-75 3000 37-40 Direction Heat (Earth + Fire) Form and direct 3 balls of melting rock outward which will converge after some distance and explode on impact, ofrming pools of burning lava. Adds Ignited and Warmed
Dismality 100 10.00 1 - Flowing Nibic Spirits
1 - Nyx
50-70 1000 1-3 Polarization Darkness (Water + Earth) Decreases Wind, slightly decreases temperature
Humidity 100 10.00 1 - Flowing Nimbic Spirits
1 - Maalite
5 - Purified Water
50-70 1000 1-3 Polarization Vapor (Fire + Water) Increases Humidity. Slightly increases temperature
Torridity 100 10.00 1 - Flowing Nimbic Spirits
2 - Pyropite
50-70 1000 1-3 Polarization Fire (Fire + Fire) Decreases humidity, slightly increases temperature
Geyser Wall 20 3.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Nimbic Spirits
1 - Purified Water
50-65 400 18-25 Arrangement (Fire + Water) Create a row of upward surgin streams, spraying scalding water and burning anything around them. Adds Dreched and Warmed, removes Frostbitten, Chilled, Ignited and Oiled
Scalding Fumes 65 5.00 1 - Fuming Ophite Pouch
1 - White Fuming Essence
5 - Sweat Salt
5-35 3000 13-16 Direction Vapor (Fire + Water) Form and direct several spheres of dangerous hot gas outward in front of ouy, which will converge after some distance and burn anything they collide with. Adds Poisoned and Warmed
Mirage 12 2.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Sweat Salt
5-25 400 1-3 Arrangement (Earth + Fire) Form a veil of distortion, concealing and deforming anything viewed through it. Adds Warmed
Crystal Formation 20 6.00 1 - Fulminate
1 - Rock Crystal
45-75 400 5-10 Emanation (Earth + Earth) Form a field of fine crystaline needles, piercing and lacerating anything they touch. Low chance to add Bleeding
Conflagration 40 6.00 1 - Fulmination Pouch
1 - Nitre
1 - Tar
45-75 500 16-25 Emanation (Fire + Fire) Ignihte a circle of roaring flames, burning anything within. Adds Ignited and Warmed
Hailstorm 70 10.00 1 - Fulming Ophite Pouch
10 - Salt Crystal
45-70 4000 33-50 Direction Cold (Air + Water) Form a chilling storm cloud, creating a blizzard of piercing shards of ice below it. Adds Frostbitten and Chilled. Requires snowing weather
Sludge 18 2.50 1 - Fulminate Pouch
1 - Pitch
40-80 500 Propulsion Darkness (Water + Earth) Concentrate and expell a burst of dark greasy oil in front of you, coating anything it comes into contact with. Adds "oiled"
Shock 20 1.50 1 - Fulminate Pouch
1 - Cuprum
40-80 1400 30-38 Propulsion Light (Fire + Air) Discharge a crackling burst of electrical energy which will arc to anything nearby. Low chance to add "Shocked"
Fireball 35 3.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Nitre
1 - Coal
40-65 0 53-62 Aggregation Fire (Fire + Fire) Conjure and hurl a blazzing orb of fire which will explode on impact, engulfing its surroundings in searing hot flame. Adds "Ignited" and "Warmed"
Sand Barrier 20 4.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Granium Powder
1 - Lodestone Powder
40-60 700 8-15 Arrangement (Air + Earth) Create a whirring ring of sharp rocks and debris lacerating anything within. Adds Bleeding
Lightning Ball 40 5.00 1 - Fuming Ophite Pouch
1 - Cuprum
30-55 0 32-42 Direction Light (Fire + Air) Condense a vast amount of electrical energy into a charged ball that can be controlled and directed. Electricity will reach out to and shock anything that passes close to the ball. Adds Shocked. This incantation requires cloudy weather.
Hailstone 10 1.40 1 - Fulminate Pouch
1 - Salt
20-60 0 27-30 Propulsion Cold (Air + Water) Form and propel a small shard of freezing ice in front of you which will pierce into anything it touches
Ember 10 1.40 1 - Fulminate Pouch
1 - Coal
20-60 0 30-32 Propulsion Heat (Earth + Fire) Form and propel a small superheated rock in front of you, impacting blunt force into and burning anything it touches. Low chance to add "Ignighted"
Condensation 100 10.00 1 - Flowing Nimbic Spirits
10 - Purified Water
20-60 1000 1-3 Polarization Water (Water + Water) Increases Humidity
Aridity 100 10.00 1 - Flowing Nimbic Spirits
10 - Granum Powder
20-60 1000 1-3 Polarization Dust (Air + Earth) Decreases Humidity
Shiveringcold 20 6.00 1 - Fulminate
1 - Purified Water
1 - Salt
20-50 600 Emanation (Air + Water) Conjure a frigid aura, rapidly cooling anything within its boundaries. Adds Chilled
Sweltering Heat 30 6.00 1 - Fulmination Pouch
1 - Purified Water
1 - Coal
20-50 400 1-3 Emanation (Earth + Fire) Conjure a scorching aura, rapidly heating anything within its boundaries. Adds Warmed
Illumination 30 6.00 1 - Fulmination Pouch
1 - Luminescent Extract
20-50 400 1-3 Emanation (Fire + Air) Conjure a scorching aura, rapidly heating anything within its boundaries. Adds Warmed
Mending Vapors 15 1.50 1 - Fulminate Pouch
1 - Calamine
1 - Purified Water
20-45 500 Propulsion Vapor (Fire + Water) Conjure a brief flow of restorative mist, slowly healing anything it touches. Removes "Ignighted" and "Frostbitten"
Boulder 35 3.50 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
5 - Flakestone
5 - Lodestone Powder
20-45 0 43-53 Aggregation Earth (Earth + Earth) Hurl an enormous mass of rock forward, impacting blunt force to anything it crashes into. The boulder will bounce once before breaking apart.
Windbarrier 20 4.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Nimbic Spirits
20-45 500 3-8 Arrangement (Air + Air) Create a powerful turbulend vortex of air, forcing anything within it outward. Removes Ignited, Drenched, and Warmed
Limpidity 100 10.00 1 - Flowing Nimbic Spirits
1 - Nibic Spirits
5 - Granum Powder
20-40 1000 1-3 Polarization Light (Fire + Air) Increases Wind, decreases humidity
Sandspout 32 3.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Volcanic Ash
1 - Lodestone Powder
20-35 0 25-38 Aggregation Dust (Air + Earth) Create and direct forward a whirlwind of sand and small rocks, which will lacerate anything it passes through before turning into a thick eruption of dust upon impacting the ground. Low chance to add "Bleeding" and "Blind" removes "Ignited", "Oiled" and "Drenched"
Gale 16 2.00 1 - Fulminate Pouch
1 - Noisome Essence
20-30 0 2-4 Propulsion Air (Air + Air) Condense and propel a forceful gust of air in front of you, pushing back anything it passes through. Removes "Warmed" and "Drenched"
Stone 18 1.00 1 - Fulminate Pouch
2 - Granum
0-30 0 25-32 Propulsion Earth (Earth + Earth) Form and propel a small rock in front of you, impacting blunt force into anything it collides with. 20
Torrent 10 2.50 1 - Fulminate Pouch
1 - Purified Water
0-30 500 19-25 Propulsion Water (Water + Water) Release a jet of concentrated water in front of you, impacting blunt force into anything it touches. Adds "Drenched"
Ignition 16 2.50 1 - Fulminate Pouch
1 - Nitre
0-30 500 38-49 Propulsion Fire (Fire + Fire) Release a burst of roaring hot flames in front of you. Adds "Ignited"
Water Spiral 50 5.00 1 - Fulming Ophite Pouch
10 - Purified Water
0-30 3000 38-47 Direction Water (Water + Water) Form and direct 3 spheres of condesnsed water outward in front of you, which will converge after some distance and impact blunt force into anythingn they touch. Adds Drenched
Placidity 100 10.00 1 - Flowing Nimbic Spirits
1 - Flakestone
0-30 1000 1-3 Polarization Earth (Earth + Earth) Decreases Wind
Turbulence 100 10.00 1 - Flowing Nimbic Spirits
1 - Nibic Spirits
0-30 1000 1-3 Polarization Air (Air + Air) Increases Wind
Shadow 60 5.00 1 - Fulminate
1 - Pitch
0-30 600 Emamation (Water + Earth) Create a sphere of consuming darkness, absorbing any light passing into it and shrouding all within. Removes Shcked
Wellspring 30 3.00 1 - Fulminate
1 - Purified Water
0-30 600 Emanation (Water + Water) Create a fountain of pure flowing water. Adds Drenched
Scouring Stream 30 3.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Shimmering Solution
0-25 0 36-49 Aggregation Water (Water + Water) Project spinning rings of concentrated abbrasive water in front of you that will lacerate anything they pas through. Adds "Drenched"
Water Ward 10 1.00 1 - Burning Salts Pouch
1 - Purified Waterr
0-20 100 0 Arrangement (Water + Water) Form a fleeting barrier of water
Name Mana Cast Time Reagents Skill Required Range Damage Healing Description Scribing Range Icon
AUW Surge 38 2.80 2 - Spirit
2 - Corpse Ash
87-92 2000 22-28 Spirits fly straight forward from caster and damage any target it flies through. 85-92
Mental Leech 25 2.30 1 - Aabam
2 - Spirit
85-100 1000 3-6 Drains mana from your target and replenishes your own 83-100
Atrophy 22 2.00 1 - Ritual Blood
1 - Unholy Ashl
76-87 1000 0-0 Fill the targets lungs with black smoke reducing its stamina regeneration and decreases creatures movement speed 74-87
Benumb Mind 22 2.30 1 - Aabam
1 - Ritual Blood
66-77 1000 0-0 Break the targets concentration reducing mana regeneration and blocks creatures from using magic 64-77
AKH Bond 30 3.80 1 - Ritual Blood
3 - Spirit
62-70 1000 0-0 Connect your AKH with the AKH of a pet. Part of the damage dealt to you will be dealt to the pet instead 60-70
Crawling Hands 28 1.00 1 - Bone Tissue
1 - Ritual Blood
58-69 1000 0-0 Move all loot in an aerea around you closer to the target 56-69
Miasma 28 2.60 1 - Aabam
2 - Corpse Ash
57-67 2000 6-12 Summon a thick poisonous smoke that damages any target within its area 55-67
Sacrificial Eruption 8 1.30 1 - Unholy Ash
5-16 1000 12-18 All undead you control around the target will explode and deal damage 3-16
Command Undead 3 1.00 1 - Ritual Blood
5-16 1000 0-0 When cast on a target all commanded undead will attack 3-16
Sacrificial Heal 8 1.30 1 - Corpse Ash
5-16 1000 0-0 11-17 Sacrifice all undead under your control to heal the target 5-18
Death Hand 30 2.00 3 - Spirit
47-59 300 37-49 Drains health from your target and heals yourself 45-59
Blind 15 2.00 1 - Corpse Ash
40-55 1000 0-0 Blind your target 38-55
Raise Greater Walker 27 2.40 1 - Bone Tissue
1 - Incisium
3 - Spirit
36-48 1000 0-0 Raise a greater walker 34-46
Control Undead 14 2.00 1 - Ritual Blood
1 - Spirit
32-46 1000 0-0 Take control of an undead 5-10
Raise Strong Walker 18 2.20 1 - Bone Tissue
1 - Molarium
2 - Spirit
21-37 1000 0-0 Raise a strong walker 19-37
Cloud of Ashes 20 2.40 3 - Corpse Ash
1-25 2000 1-1 Summon a black sphere that blinds and slightly damages whoever is in it 1-25
Raise Walker 9 2.00 1 - Bone Tissue
1 - Emalj
1 - Spirit
1-22 1000 0-0 Raise a walker 1-22
Name Mana Cast Time Reagents Skill Required Range Damage Healing Description Scribing Range Icon
Resurrect 110 10.00 1 - Cuprum
1 - Jadeite
1 - Calamine
80-100 200 0-0 0 Bring back a target from the ether back to life 75-100
Etherworld Portal 40 10.00 3 - Spirit
75-100 1000 0 0 Open a portal that allows for crossing between the world of the living and the ether 80-100
Transcendental Awareness 38 4.00 1 - Spirit
65-85 2000 0-0 0 Grants target vision of the ether 40-65
Dispell Portal 16 4.00 2 - Spirit
65-85 1000 0-0 Dispel all portals to the ether in a small area around what the spell is cast on 70-100
Mental Projectile 35 3.00 3 - Spirit
62-90 3600 30-40 0 Releases a concentrated beam of spirits that instantly drain kau from your target 60-85
Mental Healing 46 4.00 3 - Spirit
62-90 3600 0 26-34 Use the spirits to generate mana for anyone close to the target. This can also be done from the ether 50-75
Ether Barrier 10 2.80 2 - Spirit
35-65 1000 0-0 Create a barrier made of spiritual energy to better protect the recipient of the spell from spiritual attacks 30-55
Kau Regeneration 10 2.50 2 - Spirit
25-42 1000 0-0 Increase Kau regeneration Rate of the Target 10-35
Ether Momentum 18 2.50 3 - Spirit
24-45 2000 0-0 0 Increase the targets movement speed in the ether 20-45
Expel Spirit 15 3.00 1 - Spirit
1-15 1000 0 0 Modify the kau attack of the target so that it can be used to banish spirits 0-25
Transcendental Seance 13 5.00 0 - None
1-10 1000 0 0 Summon restless spirits from the target in the etherworld 0-15

Legacy Scrolls from Magic Schools intended for MO1!
  • Bug Swarm
  • Calm Beast
  • Camouflage
  • Cold Friend
  • Claws
  • Digestive Belly
  • Eagle Wings
  • Expel Beast
  • Expel Bug Swarm
  • Fire Friend
  • Fog
  • Growth
  • Heal Beast
  • Healing Touch
  • Neutralize Poison
  • Shrink
  • Summon Storm
  • Wind Arrow
  • Wind Control
  • Bound Demon
  • Control Demon
  • Demon Explosion
  • Demon Loyalty
  • Fire Demon
  • Free Demon
  • Imprison Demon
  • Summon Old Demon
  • Power Sphere
  • Protection Sphere
  • Summon Demon Ritual
  • Demonette Summon
  • Summon Young Demon
Dragon Magic
  • Awakening
  • Control Dragon
  • Dragon Charm
  • Dragon Friendship
  • Dragon Protection
  • Dragon Tongue
  • Dragon Vision
  • Heal Dragon
  • Mental Shield
  • Paralyze
  • Prison Dragon Soul
  • Soul Bound
  • Anesthesia
  • Curing Music
  • Drown Out
  • Fear
  • Healing Music
  • Peace
  • Rage
  • Rebuild
  • Rest
  • Self Healing
  • True Form
  • Undetected
  • Diaphanous Movement
  • Distraction
  • Ghost Voice
  • Hide Portal
  • Illusion Copy
  • Illusion Skyline
  • Intercepting
  • Limpid
  • Perfect Illusion
  • Physiognomy
  • Quietude
  • Reveal Illusion
  • Alarm
  • Electrical Shock
  • Elevate
  • Fake Death
  • Invisibility
  • Iron Punch
  • Iron Skin
  • Leather Skin
  • Night Sight
  • Protection
  • Quick Sleep
  • Scale Skin
  • Sharp Eye
  • Stop Time
  • Teleport
  • True Sight
  • Water Breathing
Staff Magic
  • Blood Rain
  • Disarm
  • Earth Shake
  • Fire Vortex
  • Light Projectile
  • Light Source
  • Lightning Call
  • Meliorate
  • Thunder
  • Spider Web
  • Sphere
  • Staff Projectile
  • Staff Snake
  • Animate Stone Statue
  • Attract
  • Block Teleportation
  • Cecity
  • Defence
  • Force
  • Guardian
  • Heal
  • Numb
  • Prevent
  • Scare

Site Created by FANS OF Mortal Online